Friday, August 24, 2012


I won an unlimited year membership to a CrossFit gym here in Calgary. Friends of ours moved back to town from Florida, where they owned a gym/weight loss center. When I found out they were opening a CrossFit gym I was pretty excited cause I was wanting to join something like that after the baby got here. They put a contest up on Facebook. Basically, you had to write a little blurb about why you deserve it and get people to vote for you. Most votes won. Simple. I ended up getting over 70 votes! Doubling the next closest person. I'm so excited to start. My membership won't start until after the baby comes, and the doctor gives me the A-Ok to start working out again.i vow to be in the best shape that I've been in for years. They have just opened and are still finalizing a few things, specifically child care. So I'm hoping that once I start at the gym they'll have their child care set up and I'll be able to take in some classes while Christien is gone to work. So excited. And thank you to all of you who voted for me!!!!

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