Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Seeing as it's a nice time to reflect and to give thanks to what and who make us what we are, please indulge me....

I'm thankful for my amazing husband. He'll do anything for his family. He loves us unconditionally and is always open to try out everything with us. He will support us no matter what and that's always the first thing in his mind. We love him with all our hearts. "Oh dada..."

I'm thankful for my lovely and sweet little boy. He is the most amazing person I have ever met. So smart. So cute. So fun. I might not be thankful to his inability to sleep, but I am thankful to have him in my life. I would be lost and sad and lonely without him.

I'm thankful for my parents and my in-laws. They offer so much support and love. I'm really very lucky to have been born into and married into these families. We love you with all our hearts and appreciate everything that you do for us.

I'm thankful for my brother and sister in-laws (that includes you Miss Stacey and Miss Kerri). The love and support that you have always shown us is unbelievable. We love you to death and would do anything for any of you.

I'm thankful for my honest friends. Not my facebook friends (although some of you might fall into that category) but to my real friends. Friends who have always been there for me with a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen, or glass of wine to share. I hope that you know who you are and I will love you always.

I'm thankful that I am able to stay home with my son. The first year of his life was great and very documented (thanks to a lovely camera... that I still don't know how to use, but stay tuned..). Now that I get to take him out of daycare and stay home with him indefinitely.. I can't even tell you how amazing this is. We are able to do so much together. My mum was able to stay home with myself and my brother when we were young and I think that was a great opportunity for us. I'm very grateful that I'm able to provide my son with this opportunity as well.

I'm thankful for my health and the health of my family. We all suffer through our droughts but so far we've all come out on top. Fighting and stronger then ever. For that I am grateful. Because as you fall, you learn, and you become more and more grateful for what you do have rather then wanting for what is beyond your grasp.

I'm thankful for the sun that shines on my face and warms my body. I'm thankful for those senses. I'm thankful for the rain that helps my tulips and grass to grow. And for the snow, that I know we are going to make many many snow angels in this winter.

And finally I'm just thankful for my life. I'm bound to falter every now and again, but when I take one step back, how could I not embrace this. My husband, my son, my friends, my family and my health. I love you all and thank you for making me thankful for being me. Hugs and kisses, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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