Monday, February 11, 2013

Trucking on...

Poor baby Nolan. Poor mama. Poor dada. This kid does not sleep. He's worse then Reid and I never thought that would be a possible comment to ever make. He actually doesn't sleep. I haven't slept in my owned in weeks, maybe months. I literally sleep in the rocking chair in his room with him in my arms. It's been awful. I too him to the Children's Hospital a few weeks ago cause it was just outrageous. Screaming, flailing, crying all night.... Can't put him down. It's just unbearable. The pediatrician said he doesn't think that it's internal cause he would be showing other symptoms, so basically he's colicky. Thank you very much, just deal with it. Good bye. That's what I got from them. They were nice about it but said that there isn't much I can do. Have stopped breast feeding which was really hard for me, and he's on a crazy expensive hypoallergenic formula. It's helping with his eating issues. He'll actually eat a whole 4oz bottle now rather then one ounce, followed by screams, only to eat another ounce n 20 minutes. So I'm all for that. Took him to a chiropractor today. Fingers crossed. She said he's all messed up. Did a quick adjustment. Seriously, if she hadn't told me that she adjusted him I would never have known, he's already been up a few times tonite, but he doesn't seem to be screaming about it. Just crying cause he lost his soother. I'm hopeful. However. He's got to go back Wednesday and Friday. She said that she normally doesn't see babies so often, but he really needs it. We also have a pediatrician appointment on Thursday. I'm keeping it just to see what she says. Sigh.... We've had a few really, really rough nights.

On a brighter note, Christien took Reid up to Edmonton for the day on Saturday to see Monster Trucks. They had a mega, mega blast. It was pretty cool to hear all the stories when they got home. Tomorrow he is special helper at his school and he's bringing his GraveDigger monster truck cause it's his favourite, and he can tell the story of going to see them with his dad. I love it.

CrossFit is going great I lost 12lbs in the first month. Haven't lost anything in the last two weeks, but I think that has to do with being overwhelmed and stressed out. I find it hard to eat right when I'm feeling like this. So that's another reason I hope this chiropractor works out.  Christien and I still go every Saturday morning together. He also goes Wednesday nights. And I do Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Reid loves going there for daycare. We actually got a babysitter on Friday so we could go and take a class together. The box (the gym) is doing an adult gymnastic class on the 20th that I'd love to do with Chrisiten. Have to see if he'll be into it. It's fun to workout together. He looks amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I can't imagine not sleeping, and not in my own bed for months. I am so sorry. Please, seriously, let me know if I can do anything for you.

    I don't know what you think about colic (would love to know what you think!) but I personally don't believe in it. If a baby is screaming for hours, there is a reason. It's not right to "just be colic". No, I think there's a reason but I just don't know what it is.

    I totally hope the chiro helps him.

    How did the bottles go? Any change? Worse, better, same?

    Seriously, let me know if you need anything, or if I can help in any way.

    Ps. This is Alyssa. :) Hailey's mom.
