Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reid's Birthday

Okay, so it was his birthday a few weeks ago!  My little guy turned three.  We had a great party.  Decided to do a swimming party at Village Square (same place that we had his party last year).  The kids seems to have a really good time.  We had food, then played a game where everyone won a coloring book and, thanks to my husband, we had crayons for them to color in for a bit, then everyone in the pool.  Not sure if the dads or the kids had more fun.  At one point I came back to the pool deck and the mums and some of the kids were sitting around, when I asked where the dads were, I was told that they were in line to go down the big slide one more time.  So much fun.  Here's a couple of pictures.  The cake, I wish I could take total credit for, but really, I found it on Pinterest, made the actual cake and then got Christien to decorate it.  So he gets the credit.  I think it's awesome.

 Super cute cake!  Also delicious
 Nolan's first swim!!
Mr Moustache

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, great job on the cake!! That decorating...did you use a laser level?! Ha!! It really shows the love and devotion there Christien. Also good job for baking it mommy. Love Uncle Harold
