Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day! Today was my second official Mother's Day. I had a nice day planned. Play date with Candice, Logan, Christine and Cash. Trip to the park or StirCrazy, throw some wine in there. Sounded like the most fabulous day, especially considering Candice and I are by ourselves for Mother's Day this year. Unfortunately Reid was up ALL NIGHT long. And this comes on the heels of him actually sleeping through the night for the last week, so that made it extra hard. He was super hot, and by the time I actually took his temperature, he was coming it at 38.8. He felt so hot. And he was so uncomfortable. I had to cancel our play date. So sad. I was so looking forward to it.

However, I did feel special this Mother's Day. On Friday, as I was putting Reid to bed, I heard a knock at the door. A couple seconds later, the doorbell rang. I got Reid down and looked out our bedroom window. Didn't recognize any cars outside. Then the phone rang. By the time I ran downstairs to get it, I was too late. Again, I looked out the window and saw Mike getting into his car. Thinking that it was kinda weird, cause he knew that Christien was at work, I opened the door and he was just pulling away. On the door, there was a bag. Inside the bag was two cards (from Reid and Christien), flowers and a bottle of wine!! So thoughtful of Christien. So sweet. Made me feel so special. I've saved the wine for when Christien gets home tomorrow night.

I had a Mother's Day supper at Reid's daycare on Thursday too. It was so cute to see all the other kids that he goes to "school" with and to meet a few of the other mums. I also got the sweetest card and flower pot from him as well (side bar: I put the flowers on the couch when we got home and busied myself tidying the kitchen. There was not a peep coming from the living room, and when I looked in there he had totally dismantled the flower pot that he had made for me. So I tried to re-create it).

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