Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To Run or Not to Run

Agh, running... I started years ago, taking a "Learn to Run" clinic with Christine. Waaaay back when we used to live together in our house in the NW. I was so proud when we ran our first 5k, and I really, really started to love running. Christine and I would run at least three times during our lunch break for years. We started to train for a half marathon. A half marathon that we ran in the middle of February. And by we, I mean, Christine, Brian, Christien, Jim and myself. It was a cold and snowy day, but man did it feel good to accomplish that. However, it was bittersweet. While it felt great to run a half marathon (that's 22km) with about 3ks left my knee just started to give out. Christine and I had run the whole thing together, pacing each other well, I think, and I had to let her go on ahead of me. I just couldn't do it anymore. I tried to walk for a bit and then every time I started running it was just a crazy shooting pain down to my toes. So unfortunately my time wasn't to die for, but I did manage to slowly jog through the finish line. Every since that day, over 4 years ago, I have not been able to run. I've been to the doctors, had MRI's and been instructed to go to physio. The doctor has said that there is little to no fluid in my knees, so the pain is resulting in the bones rubbing against each other. It's not serious enough to require surgery, but it's the kind of pain that I can't push through.

Christien has been running a lot lately. He picked up a relic of running stroller and has ran once with Reid, so I figured that seeing as I want to get back to working out that running would be great. And maybe we could run together and that would be even more fun. The first 15 minutes of my run today was good. I thought, hey, maybe this is going to work, and then boom. My knee just buckled and that was it. I had to walk the last five minutes home. I'm so disappointed. I have to make a doctor's appointment soon, and have him refer me to physio again (is that how it still works, does a doctor have to refer you). I need to get this fixed. I really miss running.

1 comment:

  1. Run! Get some physio and get back out there! Slowly of course. Maybe once you are backup and running I'll be ready to go again. We were great partners...those were the days, the skinny days....
