Thursday, August 4, 2011

Say My Name, Say My Name

Reid started saying his name today. So cute. He basically says "Reeeee", but that's his version of it for now. He's slowly adding more and more words to his vocabulary. I thought that we were going to have a "B" issue on our hands. Ball was his first word, and he does dada all the time, but we were looking at the fish and it kept coming out "bish". It has now progressed to "fish" so he's catching on. It's crazy how fast he's picking things up. Sounds and grunts and groans. We have to be careful what we say around him now. I think it's time to bring back the swear jar. If we start saving now, I'm sure we'll have enough for Disneyland when he's 5!!

We're off on holidays starting tomorrow! So excited to head out to the Okanagan for a week. Didn't think that we'd be able to do it this summer, but once I quit my job, time just seemed to open up and Christien suggested we head out there. We're going to be spending the weekend in Kamloops with the Witzaneys! And we just learned last night, that we're having an impromptu visit on the Saturday night by the Lockharts!! Just got better and better. We're all staying with Jenni and Ryan. It's going to be quite the packed out, but that always makes for the best times. I can't wait to see everyone again. Christien is quite lucky, as he's gotten to see his best buds three times in the last two months. That's saying something seeing as we all live about 8 hours from each other.

We head to Kelowna on Sunday and are going to meet up with a guy that Christien works with up in Firebag and his wife and two daughters for the afternoon, then we head to my aunts place. Going to have a nice visit with them for a few days and then my parents get there on Wednesday. We're hoping to hit up the splash park and the beach a few times. Reid is going to love the beach this year. Lake Okanagan just goes out for so far and doesn't really get that deep. And it's warm! I've already got his beach kit packed! Full of buckets and shovels. We're going to stop at the Enchanted Forest on the way home. Reid loved camping so much, and loves it outside that I think he'll get a kick out of it. He won't really "get it" - with all the references and stuff, but he's still going to love being outside and walking around I am sure.

We get back on a Friday night and are planning our annual patio party for the Saturday. I am so happy that we're having it again this year. And surprised that Christien didn't put up more of a fuss. He's never one for the planning of the parties, but he always has the most fun out of everyone. I actually, finally, convinced him to get a new BBQ (smokin' deal cause it's "end of the season, even though I bought it in the middle of July). So we're just going simple this year. Burgers and dogs. A friend offered to bring a salad and I might try to recruit a couple other buddies to help with the snacks. We're just wishing for the sun this year. Last year we got rain and Curtis ran to the store to pick up some tarps to cover the deck so we could actually BBQ. Great guy! Totally helped too. It wasn't really cold out, just rainy. So we did get to spend some time out on the deck. But we don't want that this year. We want a nice day, full of sunshine. I think that Christien is most "cool" about the party this year, cause he really doesn't get to see our friends all that much with him being away. When he comes home, we really try to spend most of our time together (and with Reid). I think (even though it's the best spending time together as a family) we need to remember that we have a lot of amazing friends out there, who we love and miss and want to spend time with. We just have to make it more of a priority and remember that we're still doing it together.

I can't wait for this vacation to start! Love to you all, and have a great week!

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