Saturday, March 31, 2012

Minor Treatment

Well, it finally happened. Had to take Reid to the hospital for stitches. It was only a matter of time.

Thursday started out as kind of a bummer day. I have been feeling awful since Christien left for work (go figure it happens that way) and Thursday was especially bad. I don't blame Reid, but I was on bedtime countdown from the minute we woke up. I just had no energy and couldn't keep him happy all day. Before bed I decided that we'd jump in the shower together. Hoping that would make me feel a bit more human, and Reid's been a bit anti-bath lately. I'll fill up the tub for him, he'll jump in and barely get wet before he says "all done" and has the stopped and bath mat pulled out before I can stop him. So we showered. I jumped out first, wrapped myself in my towel and was reaching for his hand, as he was performing his dismount from the tub. His foot slipped and he smashed his face on the toilet. It happened so fast. I was right there and thought that he banged his head. Picked him up as quick as I could and just help him to me while he cried. Another clue that he was hurt, cause he barely ever cries. Once he slowed down, I pulled him back to have a look at his, what I thought was going to be, goose egg. Instead I saw blood. And a nasty cut under his eye. He kept saying "no, no, no", so I had to hold onto him again and calm him down before I could really get a look at it and clean it. As soon as I cleared some of the blood I knew right away that we were headed to the hospital. I was a little panicked, but held it together, cause I was all by myself and I kept thinking, how am I going to do this without Christien? Watching them stick him with a needle and then stitch him up. I got him into our room, dried him off and cleaned him up as best that I could. He honestly only cried for about three minutes total. Then I tried to make it fun and asked him if he wanted to go and play at the hospital and we'd go and see a doctor. He was pretty happy about that.

We got to the emergency room and they confirmed that they'd need to stitch or glue him together. We went to the Peter Lougheed Center, cause a) it's closer and b) they told me at the Children's that they are connected somehow. I think that when you bring a child in, they immediately send you to minor treatment, cause it's a quicker wait. This time it made sense to go there, but another time I took him when he had pink eye and they sent us to the same department. Anyways, once the doctor came in he said right away that they were going to throw a couple of stitches in there. Then he checked the cut out (I did get props for keeping it so clean) and re-evaluated his decision. He couldn't get over how good Reid was being and how still he was sitting in my lap while he poked at him. Stitches, apparently, are easier to do on kids cause they are quicker to get done and kids never sit still. Reid was taking this very seriously, so he decided to glue him back together instead. It was a relief for me. No needle. And also the scar will look a bit better without the needle mark from the stitches. So that's a bonus. Poor little monkey. He was so very brave, and he hasn't even touched it since. Hasn't complained about it either. He'll rub his eye, or scratch his cheek, and then pull his hand back, and hover it over the cut and look at me and say "don't touch". So at least he knows.

This picture was taken Friday morning. Today, Saturday, when he woke up, he had quite the shiner developing. Still no complaints from our patient. And no concussion. What a guy.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry little guy, it runs in the family. Ask your Mum and Uncle Ty to share their head against something hard and solid story:)
