Thursday, March 22, 2012

Same Old, Same Old

Nothing new to report, just haven't really added to my blog in awhile.

Christien has been back for almost two weeks now. He picked up a new iPod touch today, so that we can do "facetime" while he's up at work. Apparently facetime works better then Skype does up there, even though they both run off of WiFi, so we'll see what happens when he's there. I'm still deciding whether I want the new iPad, or if I should try to get one of the last remaining iPad 2's.

The folks just got back from their two month trip to Bali. One of the first e-mails I get from my dad today was a question about the hotel that we stayed at when we were in Mexico a few years ago. He wanted to check it out. Planning another trip already. Ah, retirement. It's been treating them well.

We went up to visit aunty Stacey a couple weeks ago. Ty left her for two months while he went off to Thailand. It was the first car trip that Reid and I have had together where he hasn't lost his mind screaming almost the whole way. He napped for a bit, and was up and read books and listened to tunes and ate Timbits. It was a pretty enjoyable trip. Always nice to visit with Stacey too.

And that is all that is happening in the land of Oz. Stay tuned?? Maybe something fun will happen in the next coming weeks. Income tax refund? Painting the living room? Playdates? The possibilities are endless and ever so exciting.


  1. Hang on...Oz? are you living in Australia already and haven't told us??
    aunt B & uncle Harold

  2. Ha ha. No, as soon as I posted that I thought the same thing. By Oz, I just mean our magical land here in Calgary.
