Saturday, September 8, 2012

Six Weeks

Only six more weeks and we'll have our new little addition in our hands.  Maybe sooner :) I'm trying my very, very best not to wish it away, cause it is really nice to feel the baby moving around in there and to know that things are going to change drastically once the baby gets here, but man, I am having a really hard pregnancy.  It's a combination of it being completely different from my pregnancy with Reid, in that, I have been so sick and so sore and so tired.  The tired I can deal with, it's the sick and the sore that I'm having issues with.  I mean, really, really so sore that I hurt all the time.  Anyways, a combination of that and the fact that I have a 2.5 year old that I am chasing around all over the place.  In that respect, this pregnancy has flown by.  I can't really believe that it's only six more weeks, but when you factor in the pain and uncomfort, the next six weeks are going to drag.

I've had two "feelings" with this pregnancy recently.  One: it's going to be early.  Not scary early, besides I think that we're past the point of that now, but early.  I'm hoping it'll happen like Cash did for Christine.  Three weeks early.  That's not too bad.  That would mean only another three weeks of being pregnant.  However, I'm not rushing it, but I just have that feeling.  Maybe it'll only be a week early.  Second, and I dread saying this in case I am wrong, but I just have a feeling that it's a girl.  I don't know why.  I never really had any feelings with Reid.  Boy or girl.  I just had no clue.  Maybe I did know with him, but because I was really pushing for a girl I wasn't paying attention to them.  This time though, I don't know what it is.  Just an inkling.  Excited to find out either way.

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