Thursday, August 20, 2009

Starting Fresh

After much discussion around starting our blog back up again, I've finally gotten the push I needed to get it going. I will try to be more diligent about writing in this blog. More so then I was before. Christien was more the master behind that one. So here goes...

A little background into what's been going on with the Shorts... We're going to have a baby! Finally!!! I am 14 weeks today, and we are both very thrilled about it. Came as a bit of a surprise to us, as we were awaiting tests results from our doctor, only to find out that we were pregnant. After a gut wrenching 1st trimester (3 ultrasounds and countless doctors appointments), we're happy to report that we've gone from a high risk pregnancy to a normal pregnancy. I can't believe that I don't have another baby pertaining appointment for another 5 weeks. Feels good to be able to start to enjoy this.

The final ultrasound that we had was pretty amazing where we got to see the baby so clearly. It was moving around like crazy and not co-operating at all with the technician. She had to come back 3 times to get the correct measurements for the doctor. At one point she saw the baby's mouth open and then closing over and over again, so we got a couple good stills of mouth open, mouth close. Very cute. It's either a girl who's already gabbing to herself, or a boy who is practicing his jokes like its dad.

Christien's mum has been visiting since the weekend, and she's already managed to paint up the baby's room for us. We won't be finding out what we are having so we've just gone with the good old neutral stand by of yellow, or more precisely Corn Silk on the walls. Starting to makes things a bit more "real".


  1. YEAH!
    So thrilled for you both!
    All I can say is listen to your body and do what you can to stay fit-- it's hard to get back to it all when you have the little one.
    Enjoy every minute... you are growing someone!!! It is amazing!!

  2. This is sooooo amazing and exciting to see my great-niece or nephew!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys xo Aunty Tania
