Friday, October 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We had a great trip to Montana! Much better then when we were there in the summer. Reid still really hates the car, so we get about an hour of quiet/sleep time from him, and then either Christien or I need to get into the back seat to calm him down for the remainder of the trip. Besides that it was pretty good. We had a good dinner at Famous Dave's (Christien's most favorite restaurant in Montana), and we got some good shopping done. Santa sent us home with some presents for Reid. It was a fun time!! And we managed to get some champagne beers and some wine to last us for a few months!!

Now we're back and our days are full of chores. Christien goes back to work on Monday so there are a few things that we want to get done before he heads back. We did a bunch of cleaning around the house today, which was great. Tomorrow, there are a few last minute things to get accomplished for Thanksgiving. Then we're meeting some friends at the Old Spaghetti Factory for a good old carbo load before the 10K race on Sunday. I'm not running (insert sigh). As crazy as this sounds, I really wish that I was running. Christine, Kyle, Kristin, Amber, Curtis, Christine and Brian are all running on Sunday. They are all looking forward to it, and Reid and I will be at the end cheering them on. Mum and dad get back from the Dominican tomorrow. They are going to help Ty and Stacey move into their new place and then they are on their way to Calgary to see their grandson. I won't lie..... that's why they come down now a days :) They'll be here for dinner on Sunday night.

Christien heads back on Monday and mum and dad are staying on for a few days. Always nice to have them here. Especially when Christien is not. I can't believe that the next time Christien comes back, it's Halloween and then the time after we're headed to Cuba. So crazy. Time is flying by way too quickly.

Reid is on the waiting list for a day care really close to our place. He's 4th on the list and I'm really hoping that they'll be able to take him. I have yet to hear from my boss. I've been trying to get ahold of her to find out what the deal is with my return to work, and she's still not gotten back to me, so we'll see (soon) what they have to offer (I hope).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Look around you and enjoy and be thankful for the friends and family that surround you.

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