Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stepping Stones

Reid took two steps today!! I've got to set up the tripod and try to take a video for Christien tomorrow. We were practicing standing. I would hold him at arms length while sitting on the floor and count to three then let go, and he would just stand there. He was getting cocky about it and would start bouncing and would keep standing. Then he started with the steps towards me. First it was one, and that's all good, but I figured a fluke, then he was doing two, and balancing himself and then looking at me, laughing and falling down. So crazy. He kept doing it over and over. I thought, again, it was just a fluke and didn't count, but Christien says that they do count, and those were his first steps. October 17th. One day before his 8 month birthday. Insane. He will be walking by Cuba, I'm sure. If not, then for sure by Christmas. What a guy.


  1. OMG! What a guy! You must be so excited. It just seems like yesterday he was a new born. When Christien took his first steps, he was so proud of himself too. And that just seems like yesterday to me!

    Grandma Cleo

  2. WOW! Already walking, not surprised. I will remember that date because it was our anniversary. Love, Auntie Sonia
