Monday, February 14, 2011


Ahhh, February 14th. It's a very bittersweet day for me today. It's Valentine's day, which I'm not usually a "fan" of, but Christien's coming home today too, so it kind of makes it special. And it's Reid's first Valentine's day too. It's all about the love now! Christien being home tonite is another great thing. Not only is he going to be home for his two weeks, but he's going to be home till the end of April. He'll get to be here for mine and Reid's birthdays! Exciting. It's a beautiful day out. However, it's also my last day of maternity leave. How quickly a year goes... I'm exceptionally happy that Christien will be here to be with Reid for the next two weeks. Makes going back to work a bit easier, knowing that not only am I heading back into the workforce, but I don't have to deal with dropping Reid off at daycare too. Christien and Reid will have their two weeks together. Then I get a vacation day at the end of the month (ha ha) so that Christien can start school on the 28th, and I can watch Reid and get him ready for his first day of daycare on the 1st. So many transitions. On one hand, I'm very happy to be getting back to a normal routine. Waking up at the same time everyday, going to work, picking up the baby, having dinner and getting a work out in... It's great. But then I look at his sweet face and think how much I'll miss him.

I think that if I had a legitimate job to go back to things would be different. As it stands, I'm just heading back to another "no job, job" for the next few months. So basically I'm every one's gopher. Whoever gets to me first gets my time. I didn't like it before I went on mat leave, and I'm not going to like it now. At least before I went on leave I had something to look forward to. I'm not being a cynic, but it just really stinks when you are just left in the lurch by your company. A company I've worked for for the last 6 years. You'd think that they would have something better to offer me. I should not be surprised as I've seen them do this to countless other employees. Either way, that's my fate. For the next few weeks at least.

That's enough optimism for one day. Ha ha ha. I'm just counting down the hours till I get to see my husband now. And Reid's birthday party is this weekend, which is going to be so supremely exciting!! I cannot wait.

1 comment:

  1. So scary and exciting all at once. Some days, I'd love to go back to work but you're right, nothing compares to spending the day with baby. Bittersweet friend. Good Luck. It will all work out.
