Thursday, February 10, 2011

February Mergers...

There is all so much that's been happening in the last few weeks. We're planning Reid's birthday. We have company coming to stay with us. I'm starting the Happiness Project (more on this to come). Reid's turning 1 (did I mention that...)?

Christien will be back on Monday and I start back to work on Tuesday. It's nice that he's going to be here for the last little bit of February so that Reid doesn't have to be in daycare. I'm not worried about him being there all day, right now it's just about saving the money. Ha!! Reid's going to be a champ. He loves people, he's so social, I'm not concerned a bit. We can take him into his daycare for an hour or so before he starts and I'm just waiting till all the paperwork is complete before we bring him in there. So Christien is the one who will be hanging with him. He's going to be fine, and he's going to love it. So many new friends!!

For Reid's birthday we're going to have a little family get together on Friday night (his actual birthday). Saturday we're having our close friends and family over. I'm making a marvelous pulled pork for lunch. And making a fabulous monkey birthday cake. I also ordered some personalized M&M's for the party and they came back and are the best thing that I've ever seen. On Christien's "to do list" is to pick up balloons when he's off. Reid loves balloons. I can't wait for this birthday party. He's one. That's so special. I feel beyond blessed to have him in my life. He'll never remember this party, but that's ok. I'm going to remember it forever cause it's a milestone for me. Hopefully Amber and I can pick out a cute outfit for him tomorrow too.

I'm starting to feel very pressured all of a sudden. It's just cause so much is coming to and end and so much is starting up. When I go back to work our lives will have done more then a 360. It's still whirlwind. I'm very happy to have Christien back home with us for two months. At the same time we had to postpone a few things we were planning, and Christien has been doing this job for over a year. It's going to be strange to just have him here on a daily basis. It's all going to work out for the best and I can't wait. I love my little family.

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