Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Granparents Finally!!

Mum and dad finally got back from Bali and came down to meet their first grandson, Reid. I think that it took everything in mum to give me a hug and not push me aside to get to her grandson. They both have been fighting over who gets to hold him. It's definitely been nice to be able to give him to someone else when he's having a nap or when he's just looking around. I've been able to shower in peace and I haven't had to rush through lunch or dinner. It's been wonderful.

Christien got home last night. We are all very happy to have him home, and Christien is very happy to be home with his family. Now it's a three way fight as to who gets to hold Reid. Christien trumps grandma and grandpa, so he's holding him as much as possible. But that's okay cause that allows grandma to do some baking for us!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!! Christien looks so relaxed with Reid and your parents look as if they are in aaawwwww.......
    LOVE IT!!!
    So glad you have the forces there now, you are amazing to get through those first two weeks.
