Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take me to the Candy Shoppe

We took a little road trip out to Canmore on Friday. We had just gotten our new car and wanted to see what it could do on the highway. Halifax has a super cool candy store called Freak Lunchbox. They have tonnes of weird and cool stuff in there. This little candy store in Canmore is turning into a Freak Lunchbox. It had tonnes of cool stuff and candies galore. I got a piece of milk chocolate covered caramel that was intense and amazing. Reid loved it too. All the colors had him going crazy. He was rambling on and on and on. Fun day trip!!


  1. Cute pictures!!

  2. Reason #37 why I need to get to Canmore before we move! Had no idea this store was there. Sounds delish!

