Friday, May 7, 2010

Book Club Rocks

I love getting together with the book club ladies. Three years of book club and so much has changed, except the membership. We're still 8 strong. Sometimes someone misses a meeting, but for the most part we all get to see each other at least once a month. It's fabulous. I haven't had a lot of time to read since Reid was born, but I'm working on it, cause it's something that I like to do. I used to read on the train coming home from work everyday, and a bit before bed at night. Both of those reading slots no longer exist. I've started to read while I'm feeding the little guy. It might not be more then a few minutes at every feed, but at least I'm getting a bit of reading done. Sometimes I'll curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a blanket while he's napping and get a bit of reading done then too.

Amber hosted a marvelous dinner last night. Make your own veggie pizzas! They were great. She's so creative with her host dinners!! Cash was unfortunately on a hunger strike, but he curled up in his blanket and had a nap for most of book club. Reid, on the other hand, was wide awake for all three hours that I was there. I wish that he would sleep like Cash. Nope, my guy will only sleep when he's at home, and you have to actually put him to bed. None of this sleeping in your arms (which makes me sad, cause sometimes I just want to cuddle him). He proceeded to have a screaming and crying fit all the way from Amber's to Deerfoot, then he decided to crash. I was so tempted to leave him in the car overnight. Kidding!! It was past his bedtime when we got home, so he settled down after a quick change into his PJ's and a little snack.

The last couple of book clubs were kind of mashed together for books. In March, Shannon chose Shadow of the Wind. I started that book, and just finished it a week ago. Very good read. In April, we choose The Slap at Jasmine's. I was really hoping to get that book read before Amber's meeting, but it was not to bed. Still, I will be picking that up on my trip to Chapeters today. For May, our book of choice by a landslide (sorry Candice) was The Happiness Project. Very excited to start reading that, and I'm thinking that it will be a quick read, and I'll be able to get The Slap in before the next meeting.

While the book choices are great, and nice to have someone else picking a book for you, it's still all about the company. I always look forward to getting together with this great group of girls. It's too bad that we are so busy and we can only do it once a month. Although, we are all starting to see each other more often on a smaller scale. Now with BBQ season fastly approaching, I'm thinking that we'll all get to see each other even more. Sunshine and BBQ's are the best excuses to get together!

Love to all you fabulous ladies!!

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