Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Eve of My Birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday. I don't understand people who don't like their birthdays, or don't want to celebrate them. Without your birthday, there wouldn't be you! And sometimes, I think that celebrating yourself is all good. Tomorrow my day will consist of some of this...
Which will be enjoyed like this....
Followed by a little bit of this...
And finished off like this....
Saturday is still part of my birthday weekend, plus it's Amber's birthday, so we can't stop celebrating can we? It's our annual tradition. We're going to do a little bit of this...
With a stop here for lunch...
Christien and I will partake in a little of this...
And the night will continue like this....
I think what adds to the excitement is that my parents are here watching Reid, so it's actually allowing Christien and I to go out with our friends on Saturday night. Christien also missed my birthday last year because of work, and Reid was still pretty new, so although it was a great time having friends over (except for the massive storm and intermittent power surges), it'll be nice to dress up and go out on the town.


  1. OK...this post made me want to forget totally that I'm sick, baby is sick, husband is sick and come out for your birthday!! Put me back on as a maybe (for Saturday), still totally staying home tomorrow (Friday - lunch day)

  2. AWESOME! count me spirit...sending lots of love!! Have fun and enjoy your night out!!

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday, Malia! Have a fantastic

    Love and Best Wishes!

  4. I had the best time. Loved getting out and totally missed having that "man" voice the next day from yelling all night to talk with people. That's the best part of going to the bar.

    Why did I miss all those years??
