Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Reid's second Halloween was much more fun then his first one. He still didn't have a clue about what was going on, but he definitely knew that something was different. He was the cutest little sock monkey ever. A cute gift from his auntie Kerri. I'm super surprised that he kept his little hat on for as long as he did. He definitely liked to be dressed up. He loved the pumpkins, but wasn't too into taking the guts out. Too gross. He thought that it was pretty cool when they were all carved out and lit up. Christien took him around to a few houses in the neighbourhood and he had a blast. He tried to walk right into a few of the houses. Not shy this one.

Poor little monkey ended up getting sick at the end of the night. We first thought that it was cause of all the candy that he was chomping on, but by the time he had thrown up for the third and fourth time in the middle of the night, we realized that there must be something else wrong. I knew that he was a bit off all day. Kinda sleepy way before his normal nap time. Kinda fussy. Then in the evening after his nap he seemed to perk up. That didn't last for long. Poor poor guy. He was red, but not feverish all day today. We all just took a sick day and cuddled on the couch and watched movies and he napped a bit. He seems to be feeling a bit better now, but still not himself.

1 comment:

  1. I love that little sock monkey!!!!! Grandma
