Saturday, November 12, 2011

Two More Sleeps

Holy cow! We are leaving for the Dominican on Monday! I can't even believe it. It seems to have just snuck up on me. I am really sad that Christien isn't coming with us. And maybe that's why it seems to have come out of nowhere. We aren't all going, so we aren't all anticipating it at home. He's excited that we get to go. And said if mum and dad ever want to take us anywhere ever again, there is nothing that is going to stop him from coming with us. We are excited though. I asked Reid today, if he wanted to go on a trip and he said "otay". And I told him that we are going to see Grandma and Grandpa. And he's been looking for them and asking for them all day.

Now, he calls dad Pappa - which is all his doing. And calls mum - Baba (or something like that) and again, that's all him. My parents seem to think that we had something to do with him calling them something other then grandma and grandpa. What can you do. He's his own little dude. Franklin is "Daydee" no matter what. For two years it's be Franklin and he comes back with Daydee all the time. Yet we're at Christine's the other day and the puppy is all of a sudden Patch. What a guy.

Now it's Saturday. I have most of our stuff laid out on the bed ready to be packed. Lists have been made. I'm starting to scratch a few things off the list, meanwhile adding many things to the list, but I have faith that I will be done by the time our taxi is here to pick us up on Monday night. Then it's off to paradise. I've got some books downloaded. Imagine, to read a book on the beach. Read some magazines and gossip with Stacey? I can't wait. Eeekk... Getting super excited.

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