Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dominican Republic 2011

What a vacation. Sun, sand, surf and beach. What more could you ask for? It was awesome to get away from the impending winter. We had a blast. It was, however, very hard to be on a beachy, relaxation vacation by myself with Reid. I had massive help from my family. Ty, Stacey and my dad played with him in the waves all the time. And my mum took him for loads of walks and put him to bed so many nights for me. It was so helpful, but at the end of the day, it was still me responsible for Reid. If he was fussing, or crying for me, or causing a fit, then I was the one to take care of him. And if you take a baby out of his element for a week, you are bound to get some of those scenarios. It was wonderfully fantastic though. Just missing dada while we were away, that's all. Ty, Stacey and I took a horseback ride as our outing of choice while we were there. It was great. None of us had been on a horse in years. It was right along the beach. Through the water. Took us an hour and 45 to get to the top view, and then 15 minutes to gallop back. It was super fun. SO SORE though. Holy smokes. Didn't think I'd be able to bend my knees once he helped me off the horse. Needless to say, Stacey and I took the next two days off from our workouts.Reid LOVED the waves. They were much bigger then they were in Cuba. On the first day, and the first time that he ventured into the water, he kinda veered away from the surf a bit. By the time he set his feet in there the second time, it was like he was a pro. He would lay, belly down, just past the smallest swell. Once a wave would break, he'd ready himself and then let the wave take him. He totally learned to keep his head up when the wave was pushing him towards the beach. We had to have two people with him at most times. One to make sure that he didn't flip too much by being washed up shore, and the other to make sure that the current didn't tug him out into open waters. He was crazed for the water. People who were walking along the beach would stop and watch him. He was so crazy.There was also a little turtle pond that he loved to visit. It was right at the end of our walkway towards the beach/pool/restaurants/bar. He even learned to say turtle on Day 1 when we were there. One day I went up to get his stroller to take him on a walk/nap and when I got back to the beach he was wearing a turtle necklace. Give to him by a vendor. They loved him on the beach. They were taking pictures of him and chatting with him all the time.

We had a great time with poppa and baba, and Tyyyyyyyyy and aunty Zouzou. Was glad to get home to see Christien, not glad to leave paradise.

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