Thursday, December 22, 2011

Carousel and Hockey Practice

A week before Christmas, Christine and I took Reid and Cash to the mall. To get out of the house and to ride the carousel. The boys loved it. Cash was a bit weary of getting on the horse, but he had a blast riding in the sleigh with Christine. Reid thought it was the coolest. He just said "horse, horse, horse" over and over again the whole time he was on it. Mid-way through the ride he was pushing my hand away from his back. He could do it himself, apparently.

A couple days after Christien got home, we took Cash and Reid to a Flames practice. Christien had researched it the last time that he was home, and it's a free practice, open to the public.We even got to park for free, which was great. Thought that we'd take Cash off Christine's hands for a bit in the morning, so that she could chill out with Chelsea. The boys had a blast, and half an hour is basically their attention span. That might have even been too long, but we still eeked it out for the 30 minutes. If they were interested, we could have stayed and watched the other team practice. When the Oilers come to town, I think that we'll take them again. But for the second half of the practice and we'll all wear our jerseys. Ha ha. It was totally dead when we were there, but looking back, that kinda makes sense. It was a Tuesday, in the middle of the day. Most people are working, I suppose.

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