Saturday, April 20, 2013


Ugh. Got my wisdom teeth out on Wednesday. It was, and is awful. It's been over a year in the making. First I had a referral and consultation at a surgeons office in October 2011. Booked for April 2012. Was going to get all four pulled, so they were putting me right under. Got pregnant with Nolan, so had to cancel that appointment. Then found out that my current dentist office brings in a dentist who only does wisdom teeth extractions, once a month. Booked in for April. They weren't really forthcoming with a lot of information about what to do and how to prepare for this "procedure", so I called the morning of and found out that I wasn't going to be put under. So that freaked me out a bit. I was reassured that he's really good at what he does and that there is really no need to be put totally under. So in I went. Drove myself. Worst thing ever. Froze my face like crazy, then I was awake for every sound that happened during the extraction. Cracked teeth, drill, ugh... Everything. It was the worst experience ever. The worst. I wasn't comfortable driving home. Christien, and the kids came to get me. He dropped my prescriptions off for me and then picked them up later. I couldn't even talk. Dada took the boys to Chuck E Cheese for dinner to give me a chance to relax. I think they actually had a blast. When they got home, Christien and Nolan were telling me about all the stuff they did and Nolan couldn't stop cracking up. It was too funny.  I've been on a diet of pudding, sorbet and Popsicles for two days. Caved and had some soup and mashed potatoes. Man I'm hungry. Everyone keeps telling me about this dry sockets. And it's freaking me out. My jaw doesn't open that wide so they had to lamp me really wide open. So I have to deal with that pain too. Ugh and ugh. I'm no longer in major pain, but I'm still really sore. And swollen.

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