Monday, April 22, 2013

The Boys

Nolan is 6 months old today!! How did that happen? Seriously! Time flew with Reid, but it seems to be on super speed with Nolan. We've started him on some foods. The cereal was awful. Brought back memories of his unpleasantness. Talked to Reid's naturopath about it, and she said that cereal is really hard to digest. So we took a couple days off and then just tried real food. So far: bananas and egg yolk. Can't say he loves either, but he was opening his mouth to take food off the spoon today. So that was cool. Have some melon I. The freezer right now, and am going to out it in those net things for tomorrow. Cold on the teeth, plus a new flavour.

He is on the move now!! Been rolling like crazy for months. Just a few days ago he got the idea of crawling. It's a matter of a few days he's gone from being stationary to all over the place. It's quite the army crawl, but he moves... I'm going to have to get those safety gates up sooner then I thought.

Reid is doing great too. Growing into quite the handsome little guy. He's taking swimming lessons with his friend Rylan. It's the cutest. All unparented, but we can sit and watch them from the deck (I think we have to). They are just so awesome. I'd say they both won "Best Listener" awards. The other kids are bad and just do whatever they want. They are constantly being put in time outs. Reid and Rylan just sit and wait their turns and do what the teacher says. So proud of them.

School is almost over for Reid. He loved it! He's enrolled for next year. Three days a week. Now I'm just struggling with whether I out him in the 3 or the 4 year old class. That's all dependant on whether we start him early or late. With a February birthdate we have the option. I was set on holding him back, but I have a rammy friend (😍) who thinks he needs to go early. We are going to meet with his teachers in the next few weeks and see what they have to say about it.

Reid has been so great with Nolan. Until recently. And I wouldn't say that he's bad with him, but all of a sudden I'm seeing the jealousy. If your attention is focused on Nolan for more then 15 seconds, then Reid is all over you. We're not sure how to tackle this issue.

He's potty trained! But not at night yet. It's great!!

And that is our boys at the moment....

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