Tuesday, November 10, 2009

100 Days

This time it's a countdown to baby Short. Wow. 100 days doesn't seem like a long time at all. As of tomorrow we'll be in the double digits for countdown days. Very exciting. Baby is moving and growing like crazy. Giving me pains all the time, but I know that they are good growing pains. Had a friend over the other day and she laughed when she was looking through the baby's dresser. We are ready. I guess with the though of Christien's birthday and Christmas in between now and when the baby is due, I know that I'll have a lot to do for those, that I might as well get done what I can while I have the time. Everyone seems to think that I'll be so bored and impatient waiting for the baby to come by being finished work on the 1st of February. However, in reality, I'm looking forward to just relaxing and taking time to get a few things done around the house. Laundry spread over a couple of days. Dinner on the table every night when Christien gets home from work. Maybe ever get to work on my honeymoon scrapbook that I've started by haven't looked at for months. I'd like to get our wedding pictures into a scrapbook too. So for all of you who are worrying that I'll drive myself crazy, don't fret. I'm very much looking forward to taking a bit of time for myself before the baby comes.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very good plan to have sometime for yourself and relax before the baby comes. As we all know who have children relaxing and having time for ourself is very far and in between.xo
