Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yoga with a Friend

Started up another cycle of yoga last night, and was happy to have Christine to go with. I know yoga is supposed to be a practice that's all about you, and in the case of pre-natal, about you and your baby, but it's nice to have someone to go with all the same. I've been finding it beneficial but am still having a hard time with the late start time. So having Christine to go with is going to make it easier to bundle up and get out of the house for the 7:45 class. Small class yesterday, but still nice and relaxing.

November is going to be a quick month, I think. Already have this week, and next week mapped out. And plans booked for this weekend, the weekend of the 21st and the weekend of the 28th. So, basically, there goes November. Always nice to have a short week plopped in there somewhere too. I'll be needing it by next week. Planning on meeting new baby Victoria this weekend, having dinner with some friends I haven't seen in ages, seeing a cousin I haven't seen in about 20 years and meeting up with Bea, who it feels like I haven't seen in 20 years. Fun weekend followed by a short week brings me to the middle of November!

Mum and dad left for Cuba this week. Their first all inclusive. Pretty impressive for two people who have travelled their whole life to finally be experiencing an all inclusive in their 60's. They were turned onto it after Ty, Stacey, Christien and I all went all inclusive to Mexico last year. They were very excited and are going to have a great time. Nothing like 2 weeks on the beach! They get back on the 18th and are going to turn around and head to Calgary for a little pre-Christmas shopping and a visit. Will be nice to show off the nursery, or at least what we have done with the nursery.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Girls! I'm sure just being out of the house and doing something for yourself feels super good, let alone the health benefits of it.

    Can't wait to see the baby's room now that you're starting to fill it.

