Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Measuring Perfectly...

...you look fantastic... heartbeat right on... every thing's great... All words that I love hearing when coming from my doctor's lips! Baby is doing great. Kicking harder and harder everyday. Apparently baby still has a lot of room to flip flop in there. Got to check the heartbeat twice and it was 142 and then 147. Hmmm... what old wives tale can we come up with to determine the type of baby this is?? I go back and forth. At first I was sure it was a girl. Then I totally changed my mind and for a long time I thought that it was a boy. Now I'm back to thinking that it's a girl again. Christien thinks it's a girl. Cleo thinks that it's a boy. My dad said that he will make his prediction over Christmas. I wish there was some sort of sign... Next ultrasound is on Thursday and it's very tempting to find out. But we're going to wait. It's making it more fun. It's not like it really matters to us one way or the other. Right now we know that the baby is healthy and that's the best news I could possibly ask for. I want that surprise at the end of labour. Not knowing will help me to push past the pain to find out. It will make it even more exciting. I'm starting to have dreams about what the baby will look like. I cannot wait to meet this little one. See who it looks like. 2010 is going to be a crazy, wonderful year full of surprises and first. I cannot wait.


  1. I teared up a bit reading this! Congrats to you and Christien. I couldn't be happier for you. Oh and BTW - it's a boy.

  2. I agree with Candice.... I think it is a boy.... but I will be the little devil on your shoulder and say FIND OUT!!!!! Seriously, my friends here would get the Doc to write the sex down on a piece of paper put it in an envelope... seal it... and then they would go out for a nice dinner and then at dessert open it together!! ITsn't that a nice idea... then you can buy clothes, I can send it something, you can think of names... and you can ( in my opinion) identify more with the little one. And if you want to see what your baba looks like go do a 3D ultrasound... we did and Izzy looks the same I swear!
    I am so happy to read that you and baby are well, hope you are enjoying Yoga.
    Love and kisses to you and your bump and Ristin ( Izzys BF)

  3. Don't listen to Mel. Just enjoy knowing that your baby is doing well and that in a couple of months you will get to meet him officially.

    As a mother, you identify with your baby no matter if it is a boy or girl. He is YOURS!!!!
