Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Year's Worth of Books ~ Year Three

I love book club.

I am so happy and proud that we've been able to keep it going for the last 2 whole years. There have been a few stumbles where we've had to either cancel a meeting for the month, or move it further along in the month, but all in all it's been a huge success.

I love book club because I really enjoy reading. I find that I read way more often because I take the train to and from work. That gives me a total of 1 hour a day that I am just sitting there, with every opportunity to read. I like to read a bit before I go to bed as well. Helps me wind down at the end of the day. And in the summertime, I can read and read and read. Nothing like being at the beach with your chair right at the water's edge, soaking up the sun and a good book. I think that I made it through 2 or 3 when I was in Kelowna for a week last summer.

I love book club is because it gives me one day a month to reconnect with my girlfriends. Sometimes we'll see each other more then at the once a month book club meeting, but other times it's the only time that I'll see some of them. It's always a different night with these ladies. Sometimes we go out and chat, sometimes we get dinner made for us, sometimes we drink a lot of wine, sometimes we report more on what's going on with People magazine or on Lainey gossip. It's always a great time and full of laughs.

I love book club because over the last two years I have read so many different books. A lot of them books that I would have never picked up myself. Some I loved. Some, not so much. I am happy to say, that since its start, I have read every single book that has been on our book club list. From start to finish. I might not have made every meeting, but I've read all the books. I am proud of myself for sticking with it.

I love that book club has been a stepping stone to other friendships and other interests. People might think that a group of 8 different girls might make for a crazy club, however it's made our little group even closer. There are lots of different things that I'm introduced to because of these girls and for that I am thankful. I also really love that all of our husbands and boyfriends all get along. Bonus no matter how you look at it.

This year for book club we've done things a bit differently. The first year, Christine, Shannon and I sat down over lunch and picked out 12 books that we were going to read for book club. We then recruited some girls and it went from there. Last year we all got together and everyone had 2 picks that they threw in a hat and books were chosen that way. This year we picked the hosts for the 12 months of book club and that host is in charge of choosing 3 different books to present to the members, and from there we vote. This way, it'll be more of a group choice rather then having the responsibility fall all on one person's shoulders. This month, Christine graciously hosted and took us out for amazing Thai food and brought us back to her place for birthday cake for Jasmine. We've chosen to read:

I am really enjoying this book so far. It very much reminds me of The Thirteenth Tale. Kind of suspenseful. I'm curious about a lot of the stories that she is getting into. I don't know where it's going to go from here, but I'm really liking it. And so far I'd recommend it!!

1 comment:

  1. I heart Book Club. It's soooo good to get together just the girls once a month. Reading could easily fall off the list of things to do if it weren't for Book Club. I love that it's Year 3 and we do it different to keep things fresh. This book totally reminds me of Thirteenth Tale. A bit spooky and easy to read.
