Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Babies Get Together

Christien and I took a Birth and Babies class while I was pregnant with Reid. It was a prenatal class that went beyond preparing for the birth of our babies. It started five weeks before our due dates, and continued for five weeks after our babies were born. It was a very interesting class. The first half we just prepared for labour and the second half, we all brought our babies to class and prepared for that! Since class has been over, we've all tried to get together once a week. One of the girls will host a "Snack and Chat" at their place. It's nice for all of us to get together with our babies and talk about what's going on with us. It makes you feel normal about a lot of the things that you aren't sure about, and it gives you a lot of people to turn to for advice.

Today, I had the ladies all over to our place. It was a pretty good turn out, considering I live way in the NE, and most of the rest of them are from the South. I'm really happy that they all made the trek up to my place. I invited Christine and Cash over too. It's a nice little group that we've got going on. It's also cool to see all the babies growing and changing. Especially since I met all these girls when they were just pregnant with their babes. On Friday, Erin is having a family BBQ at her place for babies, mums and dads. It's just going to be Reid and I cause Christien is still at work, which is too bad, but it's still going to be nice to get together with all these ladies again. I haven't made very many of the get togethers, cause I had a fussy baby for a lot of the first few times that they got together. Also, Christien gets back on a Monday, so that first Tuesday, I want to spend it with him. And we always meet on Tuesdays. Either way, it's a fun group. We created a facebook group too, which has been a great way to keep in touch and to just bounce ideas off each other. It's really nice to have that support. A couple of the girls said today, that they would be going crazy if it weren't for this group.

All in all, it was a very fun day. We're going to do a Bumbo picture on Friday, so check back!!

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