Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Busy Week

End of July. Cannot believe it. Summer is half over. It's crazy. Less then a week and Christien will be home and we're going to BC for a whole two weeks. Christien has our itinerary with him at work, and we're planning on taking our time getting everywhere. Lots of stops for Reid. That'll just give us loads of picture ops. That's my reasoning. I think that's how patience becomes you... You start to take the bad and turn it into good. Yeah, we might need to stop every hour (the poor baby is strapped into a seat, going backwards in the car), but let's just make it fun.

Either way, I am super stoked to see Jenni and Ryan, and my aunt and uncle in Kelowna. We're going to go to Cedar Creek vineyard. Three years ago we were there getting married and now we're going back with our son. Vancouver is going to be a bit of a quick stop, but I really want to go to Stanley Park. Reid will love the trees. And I want to go to Kitsalano. Get his feet in his first of many oceans. Taking the ferry it going to be so much fun too. I really hope we see some whales. More for me then for Reid, cause he won't get it. I had to force him to look at the shark at Big Al's this week. He thought that it was cool, but it was right in front of his face and it took him awhile to get it. So I'm not thinking that some whale tails will do it for him right now. But for me! I've never seen the whales on the ferry over to the island, so that would be so cool. Then we'll be with auntie Tania and uncle Manfred for a few days. Christien wants to head to Nainaimo for a day to visit a guy that he works with, so that'll be cool too. Auntie Tania and uncle Manfred have a pool in their backyard. Reid is going to LOVE that. Let's hope it helps to tire him out at night. And we're going to see my friend Mel, who moved to England a few years ago. She'll be back in Vernon visiting family while we're there. So excited to see her and Isabelle.

I'm trying to keep busy while Christien is gone. I've only got two more days of strollercize left for this month. I think that I'm going to do mommy and baby yoga at the end of August to keep up the working out. I'm going to a Norwex party on Thursday too. I've always seen the stuff, so now I'm going to look at it up close. Reid had some crazy eczema for awhile there, and I was thinking that this kind of stuff might be pricey but could be good for him. We'll see what they have to offer. Patio on Saturday. Can't wait to meet up with some friends.

We got our toys from the Discovery Toy party the other day. Of all the toys that I bought for Reid, I just gave him one. The other two were for "older" babies. However, he loves his triangle. He totally plays with it! I'm going to host a toy party at the beginning of November as there were a few of my friends who were interested in the stuff that they had to offer. It's a very cool company. Anyways, I thought that the beginning of November would be perfect cause it would give us some time to get our toys before Christmas. Exciting.

Let's pray this baby gives me more then two hour sleep intervals tonite. He's starting on solids tomorrow!

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