Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heartbeat and a Kick

We finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday at our appointment. Words cannot describe what I felt when I heard that. It's just amazing. And it puts it all into perspective. There's a little someone growing inside. So crazy. So very cool. Our doctor picked it up right away. Crazy little techno beat that it was, then we heard a loud thump. The doctor laughed and said that it was a little kick from our crazy baby. It was truly indescribable. I cannot wait to hear it's little heart beat again. Beats were at 156. So we're staying pretty steady there. It was one of the most emotional experiences that I've ever had. I definitely had to choke back tears a couple of times. I cannot expressed how happy and blessed Christien and I both feel to know that we've really got someone to meet in the next few months. A little Malia/Christien mix. There's your Malistien.. Ha ha.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I’m so happy for you guys!!!!! Wait until you feel the first kick amazing....but then by the 9th month you will wish Malistien would just sleep.....especially when Malistien finds your bladder !!!!

    xoxoxo Tania
