Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Home Stretch

Nine more days and my due date is here. It's a scary and exciting feeling. I wish that Christien was home and I didn't have to worry about calling him the minute that something starts to happen. Less then a week and he'll be here. Just hold on baby.

Doctors today. Heartbeat still 145/150. Sounding good. She said that the baby has dropped way down, which is why I'm so uncomfortable. Good sign. However, only dilated about 1 cm. She wasn't overly worried. She got me to make an appointment for next week, but told me that she hopes to see me in the hospital this week, so I guess we'll just see. I can only accomplish half of the prescription of long walks and sex that the nurse instructed me to do. Maybe one of those will help to open 'er up and have 'er ready.

I'm not really impatient. I'm just ready. And I just want Christien to have the most time possible with the baby when he's back for his 14 off. I've still got a few things to do around the house. I've got three separate recipes made and frozen for those days that Christien and I will both be too tired to do any cooking. I'm hoping for the last two weeks in March, when we've got company, that I will be getting home cooked meals from dad, mum and Cleo.

It's a very scary and exciting time. Crazy to think that you go from keeping it a secret to actually having a daughter or a son. I can't wait. My doctor has said that she's very impressed by me, and that I'm so low maintenance that she thinks that I'm going to have an easy time no matter what. That sounds good to me. Christien says the same things, so I'm happy to have that kind of support around me.

Well, off to another baby class. I'm not the first of the due dates, so we'll see if anyone shows up with a baby tonite. That makes it even more exciting!! Who knows what might be next week at this time??


  1. Hang in there lady, sounds like you are doing great! Already dropped and dilated is good at this point. Great in fact. Ella still hadn't dropped all the way when I was already in labour and of course 9 days overdue. You will do wonderfully I am sure of it. Keep up your positive attitude and everything will work out just how you want it to. Can't wait to meet your guys' little person (next week hopefully)!

  2. Holy crap that exciting. Time sure flies by. It feels like yesterday that we came over for book club and you were well "sick" and not too social. Little did we know that you had a wee one brewing in there. So amazing!

