Friday, February 26, 2010

Sweet Baby Reid

Well, we've been parents for a week, and it's been quite the crazy week. Christien got home from Fort Mac on the 15th, much to my relief. We got one day, the 16th to hang out together. And we were out and about and did a bunch of things, which was really nice, cause the next morning my water broke and that's where it all began. Hit the hospital half an hour later in full active labor. After 22 hours of coping and dealing (yup, sprang for the epidural after 6 hours of doubled up back contractions) baby Reid was finally born, on his due date, February 18th at 6:14 am. It's definitely a crazy time in your life. You are up for a whole day, then you get handed this baby that you really don't have any idea what to do with and he just wants to eat and snuggle all day, and you get even more sleep deprived.. Thank goodness we are starting to fall into a good routine. Christien has been absolutely amazing. He does every single thing that he can around the house, apart from feeding Reid. I'm going to really miss him come Monday. I just have to make sure that we talk as much as we can and I'm sure the time will pass quickly.

We hit the mall yesterday just to get out and walk around. Managed to pick Reid up a few boy clothes. We need to get some other colors into his closet now that we know he's a boy. It's fun shopping when you know who you are shopping for. He even had his first visitors last night. The Wild's!! Jasmine just held him all night and he slept in her arms. He looked so little in Curtis' arms. And especially small compared to Davis and Charlie (who, by the way, slept through the whole visit too). They even gave him his very first pair of blue jeans. Too cute. I cannot wait for everyone to meet him.

1 comment:

  1. what a little hunny he is! can't wait to meet him! that's awesome you guys took him out to the mall already - he does need to learn early that shopping is important ;) haha. hope you are taking it easy mama bear! xo
