Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Birthday Wish

I didn't have a cake this year to blow out the candles and make a wish, but I have a wish none the less. I wish for more patience and understanding. Maybe a little less frustration. Not just with baby, but in my life in general. I think that I'm a pretty patient person, maybe. It's unfortunate that I get too caught up in making lists and getting so many things done in the day. It seems like I'm always rushed. Even when I'm having some good down time, my mind is racing about what needs to be done next, and how to accomplish a million things on the way. I want the lists that I make to be there just to remind me to do things (cause right now I need all the reminding that is possible). Like, if I don't get something done on the list, then really, it's not the end of the world. I need the lists to help me remember not to dictate my day.

I need to understand that Reid is 7 weeks old. And I can't expect too much from him. He's still a baby. It's good to have my friends around. Not just the friends who have kids but all of them. When I'm panicking about Reid freaking out and the friends that don't have kids aren't panicking then it just helps me to know that it's normal. Yeah, he might be a bit more of a screamer then other babies, but he's just trying to tell me something. I have to keep remembering that. I know that but sometimes it's hard to comprehend when you have a baby screaming in your face.

We had a bit of a rough day today. I just think that there is something up with Reid. Maybe he's sick? Maybe it's cause of the crazy, wild, wind and snow storm that we had today. He just didn't want to be put down. All his naps today had to be in my arms. I tried everything. Over and over and over again. Nothing worked. The little guy is sleeping on his own right now, but it took all day for this to happen. So we napped together all day today and then at 4:45 he finally woke up. I got him all ready and then tried to get ready for having people over. Thank goodness he was good about napping yesterday and it let me do a bit of cleaning around the house. Just as I was starting to get things ready the power started to flicker, and then proceed to totally go out. For about an hour. When I had something in the oven. And other things that I wanted to put in the oven. People started showing up, soaked from the craziness out there, and we had to basically sit in the semi dark. I managed to find a flashlight and some candles. Amber was in and out of the kitchen when the power would flicker on and off checking on things in the oven. What a gong show. I wish that I was going to Australia with my mother in law this weekend...

All in all, the power eventually did come back on. And we had snacks to eat and the company is always super great. The extra hands and arms to hold baby are always more then welcome. Charlie has always been so great with Reid. Always wanting to kiss and hug him. And Davis is walking now.. So crazy. Baby Cash and Reid just chilled on the blanket together. They are going to grow up to be besties. I hope!! Two of the cutest babies, that's for sure. So thankful to be going through the same thing with somebody. It doesn't make me think that I'm as crazy as I feel.

All in all, it was a nice birthday. Got to spend it with my lovely son, and then my great and wonderful friends. The only thing that was missing was my sweet husband. I'll give up my birthday with Christien knowing that he'll be here for Christmas any day.

Love to you all. Keep warm on this miserable day in April.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...I like to check in on your blog. Partly cause I think you are the only one I know who has one, partly cause I know how crazy everything seemd(s) after we had Ella and I feel for you with Christien away part of the time, and mostly cause I hope to see pic's of your sweet little guy! All's I can say is you are doing the best you can and that is all anyone can ask. I have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy my mat leave and try not to worry so much about what I am getting done. If you are tired and your baby is asleep have a freakin nap!I say try out the sling then at least if he needs to be with you then you still have your hands free to do a thing or two, other than that more power to you, and I hope Reid settles down a bit as he grows older and gives his mama a break!

