Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's funny how all the little things are such major accomplishments in my life now. Reid and I made it safe and sound to and from Edmonton together this weekend. He slept until we hit Edmonton city limits and then just in and out till we got to Ty's place. My heart was beating for the whole three hours. It's scary doing this by yourself. He was great all weekend. Got to meet lots of new people and hang out with uncle Ty, auntie Stacey, grandma and grandpa. Mum and dad hung onto him all day on Friday so that Stacey and I could cook a fabulous Easter dinner. The ride home was great too. He slept till we pulled up in front of the house. Pulling over to nurse him on the side of the road will be much easier when a) Christien is with me and b) we have the new car so that I have the back seat to do that in.

Yesterday was a successful outing too. Small trip to Chapters, but doing that with a guy who hates his car seat, and his stroller, and it's all that fond of the car.. well, it's a big deal. He got into his car seat in the house fine, no fits. I buckled him up, and we were all good still. I put a blanket over him and he even smiled at me. Awake the whole way in the car, but good. No screaming or crying. Had a bit of a melt down once we were in Chapters for about five minutes, but picking him up helped calm him down, then it was back into the stroller, canopies closed and lights out for the little guy. This is nothing short of a small miracle for us. I'm hoping to get some groceries today too. He had a major melt down last week when I did it. Another clerk had to come over and pack up my groceries for me, cause he was screaming his fool head off.


  1. It's amazing how life changes hey? I'll be looking for pointers when it's my turn! I've been meaning to ask you - where did you get your handy diaper/wipe case from? I love your stories. They make me smile.

  2. The diaper clutch that I carry in my diaper bag? The blue and brown one? From a little store in TD called Land and Sea. It's from Pippalilly. You can check them out on their website. It's very handy, and very cute.
