Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mr and Mrs Lockhart

We were off to Castlegar this past weekend. Such a fun trip. We took off on Thursday after Christien got back from work. Headed to Fernie, for a hard night - Reid was totally freaked out by how dark the room was, it was impossible to settle him down. When we finally figured it out, he was up. Like wide awake and up at em... So we only got a few hours of sleep that night then we were off to Castlegar in the morning. Was a pretty good trip. Rolled into Dale and Kristin's to see how things were going and to chill out. Met the parents, hung in the yard, dipped into the wine early. Then we were back that night for a BBQ with their friends and family.

The next day we went on a long, long walk in the hot, hot sun. Found a park and played some frisbee and some football. Was a nice way to spend the afternoon before the wedding.

The wedding was fabulous. Just a nice, intimate ceremony with family and close friends. And back to the hotel to have a party!! Reid was a bit on the outs that day. He napped like a crazy person, but it was so hot! He was up from his second nap at 5 and I thought that would keep him up later that night, but by 8 he was over it. We had to bring him to bed and didn't really have a plan. So Christien and I just took 30 minute shifts watching him. Closer to the end of the night, Dave and Kelsey were heading to bed and I forced them to go and get Christien :) They ended up passing out on our bed and letting Christien and I party for a little bit together. All in all it was a great weekend. British Columbia.. So beautiful. Why do we not live there?

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