Thursday, December 17, 2009

Single Digits

We are having a a baby in 9 weeks! That's crazy. That's also no time at all. Thank goodness we are so prepared, especially with the crazy cold that we've been having. I'd hate to be lugging dressers and cribs into the house in that weather, and in that snow. Besides, I can't be lugging anything anywhere now-a-days. I have a hard time getting up from the couch, I couldn't imagine trying to lug a box up the stairs.

Mum made the bedding and drapes for the nursery, so I'm so excited to get up there and see them. I picked out the material with her when she was up, but having that in the room is going to bring it one step closer to it being a nursery. I'll post some pictures after Christmas once we get home and get that all set up. Getting more and more excited to meet this little one. And to find out if it's a girl or a boy. Some people are SURE that it's a girl, while others SWEAR that it's a boy, so we're back to 50/50 now. All I know is that it's healthy (steady kicks and punches with a heartbeat of 168 on Tuesday).

Christien is coming home in four more sleeps! I've missed him. Talking to him for 5 minutes at 7am everyday just isn't really cutting it. It will be nicer when he has the laptop with him when he's back up there in January. He still works 12 hour days (or nights), so he pretty much just works, sleeps, eats and then back to work again. These fourteen off better make up for the fourteen that we're away from each other.

This weekend looks like it's going to be full of baking, wrapping presents, last minute shopping, and maybe some visits with friends. Christmas just snuck up on me this year. I blame it on the baby brain.

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