Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ahhh... Family Time

Christien got back last night, which is so nice. Even though he was exhausted and passed out on the couch by 730, and then snoring in my ear all night, it's still so wonderful to have him home. It sucks that I know that these next two weeks are going to fly by though. And it's too bad that I have to work through all of them. Ah well, it'll give him a chance to relax and a chance to do some chores around the house.. Chores that I was unable to do while he was away. Who knew that carrying around a baby would completely knock you on your arse??

Other then that, we're just going to "nail down" some baby names, get the nursery and everything else baby ready, and hit as many movies as we can together. Although there are Stars and Strollers movies, and friends to go with, I'm not sure when the next time we'll get to go to a movie, just the two of us. We're trying to narrow down what we want to see. There isn't all that much out there right now. I'd like to see Up in the Air, and Christien wants to see some vampire movie. There's a new Mel Gibson movie coming out at the end of the month that looks interesting. And maybe Youth in Revolt. I'm getting lots of recommendations for Avatar, but I don't know. I just don't think that I'm too into it. And neither is Christien, so we'll see. He hates movies that get hyped up too much.

Book club tomorrow night! Always an exciting day when we can all get together! It only happens once a month so it's nice when everyone can make it. I'm hoping that Jasmine will be back in time for this one. We missed her last month!

I'm going to start having Christine over to my place, Monday nights starting in February. It's nicer to watch the Bachelor with someone else. Guilty pleasure. And it'll be nice to have the company. Especially once it's just me, home all by myself, all day long. Even once the baby comes, it'll be nice to have company. It'll make me feel normal.

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