Thursday, January 28, 2010


And we're basically finished!! It's been such an ongoing project, but a very fun project. The nursery. We both love this room. It's basically the nicest room in the house, so it's very fitting for the most precious thing that will be in our house soon. We've still got some pictures that need to get put up on the wall, but other then that, it's livable now. It's going to be such a nice place to sit with the baby and just relax, I love the feel of it. Can't wait for lots of you to see it up close in person, with a little person in it.

Now before anybody freaks out, I know that there are a lot of stuffed animals in the crib right now and yes, we are both very aware that we should basically have nothing in the crib once the baby is in there. However, we just haven't gotten a shelf put up to house the little critters yet. I've got something in mind, now I just have to find it. I've got a good three weeks to putz about looking for those little last minute, non-essential items for the nursery. The room is pretty tiny, but it's cozy. We always pop our heads in there on our way to bed. It's just got such a nice feel to it. That little octopus in the corner is actually pretty cool. He's more like an instrument and comes with a little song book. I think that Christien gets the biggest kick out of it. No matter how you look at it, this baby is going to be musically talented.

Today is a pretty big milestone as well, as I've hit 37 weeks, which means that I am fully to term. Such a crazy spot to be in, cause just a few months ago, I really never though that I would see this week. It's so very exciting, and getting so very scary at the same time. I don't think that I ever let myself think about what would be after 37 weeks. This really means that we are going to have a baby and become parents. I think that the next couple of weeks are going to be very emotional as we get closer and closer to having this baby.

I'm really hoping that it comes when it's supposed to. I will do anything for that to happen. Christien gets back from Fort Mac on the 15th and it would just be perfect for the baby to come at the beginning of his off days so that he can spend as much time with us as possible. Our instructor for our baby classes gave us the sure fire way to have the baby come on time. Plan a big date for the day that baby is supposed to make it's appearance. New outfit, reservations at a nice restaurant... We are going to the Garlic Clove to celebrate a late Valentine's day seeing as Christien will be gone on the 14th. Nothing like checking into the hospital stinking like garlic, but for that embarrassment, to have the baby come on time, is 100% worth it. That's me at 35 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Malia,
    congrats on making it! Good job, i am sure it will be worth all the effort.
    Another way to help the baby come when Christien arrives is ask your doctor to 'sweep your membranes' like the day before he comes, then have sex and go for a VERY long walk. That helped us. I know you will hear 1000 different things, but that is my two cents!

