Friday, January 22, 2010

Four More Days

I am so excited that I only have a week left of work. Not counting today, and since I don't work Monday's, I officially have 4 days left of work. It's crazy. And I'm very excited to be able to sleep in and do things during the day, and have those much needed naps. I felt like I was so ready for this baby, and now I'm feeling a bit lost. I mean, we've got all the stuff bought, and Christien has been amazing this week. He's put together so much stuff for baby. It's been beyond helpful. I kind of step back though and realize, that even though I have a month left before baby should show up, there still seems to be so much to do. And I only have Christien here for another 9 days. I need his help with a lot of stuff that can't be left till he gets back next month. What if the baby comes early? Maybe things are just becoming real now. Our last baby class was eye opening. It's all just sinking in. To find out that in actuality I should have my bags packed already kind of panicked me I guess. I didn't even know what to put into my bags!

This weekend we're going to hit up some movies, and take a couple cars for a test drive. Maybe do some shopping and just hang out. More talking about names would be good. He brought some books home from the library yesterday, but I'm not feeling like we're really getting anywhere with picking anything out. We spend too much time laughing at the ridiculousness of some of the names in those books. Sigh.. this needs to be rectified before he leaves or else I'll just stress about it. I don't want to leave the hospital with baby no name.

Next week is going to fly by. We've got plans Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday already. Good, but that just means that Christien's leave date will seem to come quicker. I'm not loving it at all. Fingers crossed that his meeting goes well today and perhaps this will be his last trip up North?? I think that I'd rather have him around more often.

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