Wednesday, January 27, 2010

False Alarm

The end of this week cannot come soon enough. I wish that I could say that I'm feeling great and have all this energy and I can work right up until the end, however, I have been slagging through these last few months. Lots of pain, really tired, and now the water retention is starting to accumulate at an exponential rate. I would never trade being pregnant with this baby for anything in the world, so I'm really not complaining. But it has been hard. This last weekend my feet and ankles just blew up. Nothing was helping to reduce the swelling and as the days went on I just started to get scared. Yesterday at work I just looked down at my feet and they were enormous. Even though I had a doctor's appointment last week and my blood pressure was fine, it still really started to worry me. My mum had toxemia with both Ty and myself, so with the sloshing around in my feet I was just concerned. I wasn't able to get in to see my doctor until tomorrow so they suggested to me that I go to the hospital to have it checked out. So that's what Christien and I ended up doing yesterday afternoon.

I am very happy to say that everything is just fine. Baby is happy, all the tests came back great, so I've basically just got to deal with the swollen-ness that my body is going through. It was a great relief. On the upside of that visit, it kind of gave us a practice run as to how it'll be when I actually go into the hospital to have this baby. We were up in Unit 35 which is the baby unit, and Christien had to go down to admitting to get me admitted as an outpatient. So we know where everythiung is and what to do. And the doctors and nurses were so nice. They definitely made me feel like I made the right decision by coming in to get checked out, rather then making me feel like I was wasting their time. We were hooked up to the fetal monitor for about an hour, so that was neat to hear and see the heartbeat. Christien kept messing with the baby ~ the heartbeat would just be normal and relaxed and then Christien would get up close to my belly to talk to the baby, and then look back to see if it changed the heart rate at all. Every time he did it, the heart rate would jump up to 160. We both got a kick out of it. Christien was making me laugh and making the baby jump around like crazy. I think that baby is super excited to see us too! Thank goodness that it was a false alarm and we are both really looking forward to meeting this little one in three weeks!!


  1. I thought it was really fun talking to the baby. It's clear that this baby already has a sense of humor and will be a perfect candidate for me to try new jokes out on. Sweet.


  2. Oh my God, what are you like?

  3. Malia,
    you did the right thing!! always follow your instincts!
    Enjoy your last two days at work!

  4. Malia,

    My comment was meant for Christien and his comment about a new candidate for his jokes. I absolutely think you did the right thing and thank goodness you and the baby are okay.


  5. I am starting to have a spidey sense with you...yesterday when you didn't respond to my e-mail I thought..."SHE'S IN LABOUR!!!" I fought really hard not to text you and all our friends to find out if I was right. Glad to hear you were just in for a check up, glad you went, glad that baby is hanging in there...every day a little bigger and stronger!
