Tuesday, September 21, 2010

10 Reasons Why I Love to Travel

1) The memories. You can make memories no matter what you do, but when you think back on them and remember that you were surrounded by a beach, or a mountain, or the ocean, it just seems to make them that much more special. Not to mention who you are making the memories with. It's a wonderful bonding experience. Getting caught in a torrential downpour in Mexico. Riding donkeys up and down the switchback in Greece. Ice skating in New York Rockefeller Center.

2) Experiencing different cultures. When Christien and I travel, we try to take in as much of the culture as we can. We venture off the resorts, we take public transportation, we talk to the locals, we check out things that are off the beaten path. There is so much history in so many places around the world that it's very neat to see first hand.

3) The break from reality. For some reason when you are on vacation, you don't think about those bills that need paying, or your budget, or plans that you have made for the week. You just get to be. I think that it's good for the mind and the soul to just get away every once in awhile.

4) The excitement. No matter where you go there is always going to be fun and exciting things to do. When I look back at a lot of the vacations that Christien and I have taken together it makes me smile cause we've added a lot of our own excitement to these trips. Got engaged in New York, honeymooned in Greece, my 30th birthday in San Francisco, Christien's 30th birthday in Mexico. You never know what you are going to get until you get there. And it's the excitement of the unknown that's fantastic. Even if you have been to these places before, the excitement is still different. You're in a different place in your life, you might be travelling with different people. No matter what, it's going to be a different experience.

5) Seeing the world. It's very interesting to visit other places. Not all of them have different cultures, like all the places that we've been in the States, but they are still different in some ways. I've already checked off the top few places in the States that I've wanted to see. Now my list is growing. I'd love to see Boston, and Hawaii. Palm Springs would be great. Looking forward to Cuba in the fall and Vegas in the spring.

6) Shopping. Duty free is great. Going to Montana and not paying taxes and getting things for a steal is wonderful. Outlet shopping is great. Picking up things that you know that nobody back home will have is priceless. I like to find things for my friends as well. Little things that are reminiscent of the places that I've been. Olive oil soap from Greece, sarongs from Bali...

7) It's addictive. Once you start travelling it's hard to stop. You start seeing the world, meeting different people, learning new cultures and you want to know more. Some of the most friendly people I have ever met have been in Greece and Bali. Just people who want to chat, get to know you. If you show these people how interested you are in their culture and in seeing their city, they just open up even more. It's easy to do when travelling with Christien. He's always chatting up the locals, and I think that we get to see a lot more then if we just tried to live out of a travel book.

8) Sun, sand and surf. We don't always go on tropical vacations, but when we do what is better then sitting on the beach with a sea breeze at 10 am looking out into the aqua blue water of the ocean?

9) Eating. Food from all over is so different. And so delish. You'll never get a taco in Calgary like you can get at some restaurant on the beach in Mexico. Fresh seafood? Try sitting on the pier at a restaurant in Greece as you watch the boats pull in and that fish go directly to the waiting BBQ. Nasi Goreng? It's a staple at the breakfast buffet in Bali. And tastes better then anything I can attempt at home. What about the smell of roasted chestnuts on the streets of New York?

10) Doing things you wouldn't normally be able to do in Calgary. Snorkeling with the tropical fish is the coolest. Body surfing the waves. Regular surfing. Scuba diving (ok, haven't done this yet, but am thinking about doing it in Cuba). Major League Baseball games.

I look forward to making many new memories, experiencing many different cultures and seeing a lot more of the world with my family!

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