Tuesday, September 14, 2010

10 Reason Tuesday

I had fun writing my "10 Reasons Why I Love My Husband". I decided that Tuesdays are going to be "Ten Reason Tuesdays".

10 Reasons Why I Love Reid

1) He is darn cute

2) He's our miracle baby. As trying as he is, we wanted him so badly. Failed a lot of times, and we finally did it. And this is him!! I love him for that, and I love him for who he is and for the joy that he's brought to our life

3) His smile and belly laugh are to die for. He can just giggle and giggle for no reason. It's too funny.

4) He's made me more patient. As impatient as I am with him sometimes, I still feel that it's more patient then I usually am. I'm not the most patient person, so this says a lot. He's taught me to take a step back and a couple of breaths, and to know that this isn't going to last forever.

5) Mat leave. Ok, that's not really a reason to love my son, but I love that I've got a year off to spend with him. And I love that Christine is off for the EXACT same amount of time as I am. I love that we can have play dates any day of the week. I love that Christien, Reid and I can take off whenever we want to travel.

6) Love. The love that I feel for him is like nothing you can describe. The love that I feel for my husband when they are together is more then I could have imagined.

7) His desire to learn. I have to call it that. I'm not sure what else it is. This baby was rolling over at 4 months, and sitting and crawling at 5 months. He was standing in his crib before he hit 6 months. And now he's going from couch to chair to couch pretty easily. He can maneuver along the couch easily. He can walk around in his crib. He's just go, go, go.

8) His cuddles. Actually, that's something that I have to force out of him, and he usually hates it, but I make him do it anyways. He's too squirmy, and doesn't like to be held down, but once in awhile he'll surprise me and let me cuddle him, or hug him for a split second longer then usual. That makes me happy.

9) His love for his dad. It's so crazy to see how much he loves his dad. He just follows him around with his eyes. Even when Christien is at work, he'll call and I'll put him on speaker phone and when Reid hears his voice, he just beams. It's so cool. I hope he loves me that much!!

10) For the joy that he brings others. Everyone laughs and smiles at him. Strangers. Wherever we are, people are always looking at him, smiling at him, talking to him. People are always telling us what a cute, and bright baby that we have. Friends. He's always making them laugh. He's just so all over the place. Grandparents. Well, they just can't get enough of him. Aunts and uncles. Love, love, love.

He's a pretty special little guy. We've had our ups and downs, but really, that's a bit selfish, I guess, on my part. Wanting sleep and all.. Ha ha. In the whole spectrum of life, that was only six months. Now that he's sleeping and I'm enjoying him so much more (on account of not being exhausted all day long) it's the most wonderful and precious gift I could ever imagine. It's hard work. Oh man, is it hard. Especially the first time around, but it's really worth it to see that smiling face in the morning when you pick him up. To have him chatter with you, and light up when you enter a room. Nothing compares, really. I love my little man.

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