Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Week

Christien's back. It's so nice to have him home. And so nice not to have any plans. Not to say that we haven't done anything while he's been back, but we have no definite plans any day. We just get up and make plans in the morning. No going out of town.. It's been so nice. With that being said, this last week has gone by really quickly!

On Tuesday we got family pictures done! I'm so excited to see them, and will share when I get them back. I have a friend from my baby class who is a semi-professional photographer. She's got a cute studio in her basement and lives right close to Fish Creek. So we did some inside shots and some outside. I think that they are going to be really nice. They'll be Reid's 6 month pictures. This time we got lots done with the three of us. Get ready for pictures for Christmas, grandparents. Ha ha.

Reid had his 6 month shots on Monday. And he didn't even cry. It was only one this time. And no more now till he's at least a year. I think that I'm going to push that one as far past a year as I can so him immune system is as strong as it can be. Jasmine did that with her kids, and I like that idea. Especially with all the different ideas about vaccinations in general. He was a bit fussy, but nothing major.

Thursday was book club!! Christien went fly fishing with Brian during the day, and book club was at Christine's. So it worked perfect. He came back with Brian, had a little dinner (thank you Christine) and took Reid home with him. Mummy got to hang out at book club with no baby. It was so nice!! Just as book club is always nice, it was great not to have to look out for Reid the whole time, and leave early, and try to keep his fussing and crying to a minimal. Brian even took Cash for a walk. For an hour. We all got to have dinner like normal ladies. It was fabulous.

We went to the zoo yesterday. The weather here is so weird. It was not cold, but not super warm when we left the house. Christien even went upstairs to put on a long sleeve shirt. By the time we got to the zoo it was boiling hot. And Reid was still a bit fussy (I blame his shots still). Too hot for a baby who wasn't dressed for the weather. So we didn't get to stay long. And Reid didn't really even "get" it. When we were looking at the elephants I don't even think that he saw them, he was way more interested in the fans in the building. Ha ha.

We went for Dim Sum at our favorite DimSum place today. This time we went with a buddy of Christine's who he works with up North. Blaire and Linda. She's Chinese. Apparently we've been experiencing reverse discrimination this whole time, because this was the best experience we've even had at Dim Sum. Not that we've had bad experiences, but we always felt like we weren't really looked after. Either way, Linda ordered a bunch of stuff that we'd never tried, and probably would never have tried, but was SO good. It was such a fun time. They came with their two kids and her parents. So much fun. Reid decided to forgo his first nap of the day, so he was a bit squirrley. It was so nice that we had so many hands to help us hold him. And we could all eat. It was great.

So, seeing as we didn't have any plans for this two weeks off we've still been pretty busy. We've had car appointments to get the sunroof fixed. The Cavalier is fixed. The yard is mowed. Fish tank cleaned. Fish tank cleaned. It's been a great week. We've even watched three movies. Date Night (great and funny), The Crazies (not good) and Youth in Revolt (great, too slow for Christien but it was funny).

Now I might call mum and dad to update them on their grandson. Christien is jamming with Jaime, and I'm chilling with a glass of wine by myself. Have a happy long weekend all!!

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